What is a Balaboosta?
Balaboosta (n.)(bah-lah-b00-sta) A Yiddish term meaning the perfect housewife, homemaker, wonderful mother, cook, and gracious hostess. She does it all and does it well.
I make simple food with easy recipes and I like to try new things. My family and friends love my cooking and always ask me to share, with them, what I know about food, flavor, and technique.
I'm not a professional chef and I've had no formal culinary training. What I know and do in the kitchen comes from three women...Nana, Grandma Della, and Rose, my mom. Each one of them knew more about putting a meal on the table than any fancy chef in a white hat. They were the ultimate
What I offer you is a lifetime of experience in the kitchen with my compliments and theirs. I hope they'd be proud. I will bring you my recipes as I make them with photos of the actual food I'm preparing. I'm no professional photographer either but I promise, my food will speak for itself in every picture.
The food on my table isn't stacked in a trendy tower.
Instead, my food is stacked with flavor and full of my passion for cooking. So please come in, make yourself comfortable, and enjoy.
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Disclaimer: While most of my recipes are "Jewish Style", I do sometimes cook with pork. This might have been a great disappointment to some but my grandmothers knew that I live in modern world. I light Shabbos candles religiously but I have to admit...I do not keep a Kosher home.
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If you're looking for an elegant meal to serve your family or dinner guests then Rack of Lamb is an excellent choice. Most racks have 8 ribs regardless of how much meat is on them. One rack will generally serve two people.
There are many variations on herb mixtures which can enhance the flavor though even roasted with simply salt and pepper can result in a succulent and flavorful meal.
Click on the photo to enlarge and see the amazing details.
- Rack of Lamb (Frenched - end of bones exposed)
- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 2 teaspoons rosemary
- 2 teaspoons parsley
- 2 teaspoons thyme
- 3 cloves finely minced garlic
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Optional: 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
Here's how you do it...- In a spice mill or mortar & pestle, grind or pulverize the rosemary, parsley, thyme, minced garlic, and olive oil into a thick paste.
- Sprinkle the lamb with the salt & pepper.
- Press the herb paste you made onto the round meaty portion of the rack of lamb.
- Optional: Press on the grated Parmesan cheese.
- Place on a prepared shallow baking pan (I line mine with parchment or foil for easy clean up)
- Roast in the center of a preheated 450F oven for 10 minutes.
- Reduce temperature to 400F and cook for another 15-18 minutes for medium rare. For medium doneness 18-20 minutes.
- Cut in two-boned portions. One rack with 8 ribs will yield 4 two-boned portions.
Serve & Enjoy. Your guests will be licking their fingers.